Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Lesson from the Amish

The recent tragedy in Connecticut is not the first school shooting in the United States. A chronology of the last 20+ years of shootings reveals a list of about 20 in which a gunman gets onto school grounds and begins shooting until he is either subdued or turns the weapon on himself. This shooting is unique because of the numbers killed plus the age of most of the victims. Now the media is busy focusing on the tragedy and beginning again to put together a “profile” of the killer in order to keep weapons from such people. There is also the renewal of the never ending debate on gun control.

 Leaders are busy trying to find a way to make individual citizens feel safe when they leave the security of their homes to go about their daily lives. I do not wish to belittle the tragedy that has occurred for 26 families in Connecticut, but I believe we are expecting too much of our leaders, especially the federal government. This type of tragedy is a signal of the breakdown of communities and it behooves the individuals in all communities across this nation to start looking at what is happening in their community and take responsibility for fixing it – not expecting some entity from Washington, D.C. to come in and help solve the problem for them. Perhaps we can learn how to do this by looking at a community that suffered the same kind of loss on October 2, 2006.

On that day a well known member of the Amish community named Charles Carl Roberts IV aged 32 walked into the one-room school house and took the entire student body hostage before killing five girls and then shooting himself. First responders did, indeed, come to the scene until the crisis ended, but, afterward, the Amish did not reach to federal officials or other agencies for help to survive this tragedy and move forward. There was no cry for better gun control; in fact, the Amish do not own guns. What did the Amish do?

One of the basic tenants of the Amish faith (Amish Grace- How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy by Donald B. Kraybill et al) is that believers cannot be forgiven their earthly transgressions and enter into heaven if they cannot forgive their transgressors on Earth. Therefore, the Amish set about forgiving Mr. Roberts. Everyone in the community knew Mr. Roberts. Families affected by his actions took food to his family and offered comfort to them in their time of grief. The nation was astounded by this act as they read about these events. The community came together, offered solace and forgiveness to all involved and recovered without any government intervention.

What lesson can we learn from this even if we are not followers of the Amish faith? The first lesson is that the best way to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands is for each adult individual in the community to take the responsibility to know his or her neighbors. If there is need or suffering there, take action. Inform responsible agencies in the community about this. Take compassionate action ahead of time. Look people in the eye when going about daily activities. Teach the adolescents in the community to get involved with community service and do peer monitoring before a tragedy occurs. Prevention is much preferred to intervention and the prevention begins at home.

Parents need to know their children and other parents need to support all parents in their efforts to monitor and control adolescents. But the most important lesson of all is love and forgiveness. Until society can learn to forgive those who transgress with compassion instead of making them into media “heroes,” this type of activity will continue.  

A study of our nation’s history provides hundreds of names that have been glorified in the past and present by the media and Hollywood. Billy the Kid, Bat Masterson, Doc Holiday, Jesse and Frank James, Bugs Moran, and Bonnie and Clyde are only a few who come to mind. What were the names of their victims? Gun violence is not new. War is the ultimate result of belief that violence will end violence. The anger and resentment toward the “enemy” continues, however, long after the guns have been “laid down” and festers and simmers until another outbreak begins. Many times those who are fighting have lost any idea about the reason for the war.

During the Peace Convention of 1915, one of the most stirring speeches against World War I came from Frau Hofrath von Lecher of Austria. She had been an upper-class housewife who became a nurse in a hospital for the wounded. Although charged with the care of hundreds of severely wounded soldiers, she had no supplies to tend to them – not even any food. She asked the soldiers, “What are you fighting for?”

They replied, “We do not know – we were told to fight.” When they found that she was to attend the Peace Convention, they begged her to implore the nations of the earth to make peace in the names of their wives and children.

We are at a point in our nation where we have lost any idea of who the enemy is because we have forgotten why man began to live in communities in the first place. It was to rise above the “every man for himself” Law of the Jungle attitude. The Amish have not forgotten this and their community moved forward and transcended the tragedy that beset them that October day. Hopefully, we as a nation of communities can learn this lesson and move beyond the most recent tragedy in compassionate love and forgiveness. We call ourselves a Christian nation. Perhaps we should remember the words of Jesus as he suffered death by crucifixion, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  (Luke 23:34)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hills of Home

I wrote this poem in 2005 when I first felt the call to move back to my Kentucky roots. I have pulled it out once more to share in the hope that within the next year I will be back in the region where my ancestors lived and are buried and where I feel truly "at home and at peace."

In the summers of her youthful past,
She walked barefoot through the long bladed grass
That grew along the honey suckled hills of
Her Old Kentucky Home.

And the perfumed air that filled her lungs
Brought a spark of life into her infant soul
Nourished by the wild berries she watched ripen and grow
Into cobblers and homemade ice cream
For summers’ eves with lightening bugs aglow.

But the robin in spring and red bird in winter,
Chirped a call heard deep within her,
To trade her Sunday shoes that walked the straight and narrow path
For sparkling, glass slippers that yearned to roam
In search of love and adventure far from her Old Kentucky Home.

And romance blossomed among the garden paths of Versailles
And the Left Bank of Paris.
But the slippers faded into shimmering moonlight on the Seine,
So she found garden clogs to work the terrain
To build love and contentment with a home of her own
Amid the honey suckled vines of her Old Kentucky Home.

But the robin in spring and red bird in winter
Chirped a call heard deep within her,
To follow her love to Eldorado and the Seven Cities of Gold
Promised in stories and myths of old.

When that love withered and died in the desert heat,
She donned hiking boots to retreat
With her new love to the lush, green woodlands aside ocean dunes
 Amid quiet streams filled with salmon and the call of the loon.

Left alone in Eden by death’s early knell,
She felt her paradise turning to hell.
But she found solace for her soul biking the salty sea shore
And donned dancing shoes for music and loved once more.

But the strong winds in summer and heavy rains in winter,
Drowned love once more and sent her
Back to the rooted vines that climbed high on the hills
Of her Old Kentucky Home.

Now, in the autumn of her years she roams barefoot once more,
To the song of the robin in spring and red bird in winter
That chirp the secret of unconditional love rooted deep within her
And spreading wide across the hills of her Old Kentucky Home.

Friday, October 19, 2012

An Independant (slightly female oriented) View

Women’s Declaration of Independence

The following is a copy of the “Declaration of Women’s Sentiments” presented at the Seneca Falls Women’s Convention in 1848 with permission from Paul Halsall of Fordham University. First printing was in August, 1997 and updated in November 1998, http://halsall@murray.fordham.edu. This document was presented to about 400 delegates both men and women who attended the convention in 1848 and is preserved as the document that inspired the suffragette movement in the United States. Of those present 68 women and 32 men signed the document. Those refusing, including many influential leaders in the movement to abolish slavery, abstained because of the call for enfranchisement of women. The national response at this time was to give no attention to the document at all and give absolutely no press coverage except the small ad purchased to announce the convention. The women themselves were labeled irritants and crazies.

The Declaration of Sentiments

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course.
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the institution of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer. while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled. The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyrranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise.
He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice.
He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men--both natives and foreigners.
Having deprived her of this first right of a citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her without representation in the halls of legislation, he has oppressed her on all sides.
He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead.
He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns.
He has made her, morally, an irresponsible being, as she can commit many crimes with impunity, provided they be done in the presence of her husband. In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master--the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement.
He has so framed the laws of divorce, as to what shall be the proper causes, and in case of separation, to whom the guardianship of the children shall be given, as to be wholly regardless of the happiness of women--the law, in all cases, going upon a false supposition of the supremacy of man, and giving all power into his hands.
After depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single, and the owner of property, he has taxed her to support a government which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it. (How long did we support this government without representation so that we find ourselves totally controlled economically today)? My thoughts in parentheses.
He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty remuneration. He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law, she is not known.
He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education, all colleges being closed against her.
He allows her in church, as well as state, but a subordinate position, claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the church.
He has created a false public sentiment by giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women, by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society, are not only tolerated, but deemed of little account in man.
He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for her a sphere of action, when that belongs to her conscience and to her God.
He has endeavored, in every way that he could, to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.
Now, in view of this entire disfranchisement of one-half the people of this country, their social and religious degradation--in view of the unjust laws above mentioned, and because women do feel themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights, we insist that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of the United States.
from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, A History of Woman Suffrage , vol. 1 (Rochester, N.Y.: Fowler and Wells, 1889), pages 70-71.
This text is part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts for introductory level classes in modern European and World history.
Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial use of the Sourcebook.
(c)Paul Halsall Aug 1997, updated November 1998

The original “Declaration of Independence” was written in 1776 and supposedly, that is what laid the basis for this great “republic” and “democracy.” The white men it gave freedom fared very well, and they built a great country and amassed a tremendous amount of wealth, first by genocide of original inhabitants, slavery and the work and toil of women denied enfranchisement for another 70+ years after the Women’s Declaration of Independence. For any woman who believes this government that exists today was the result of some great sacrifices the Founding Fathers made for us, perhaps you need to review your history books and get the true story of the women’s movement – not the propaganda imposed by the male leaders of both political parties. Yes, one of them is of African ethnicity, but as far as I know, his ancestors were never slaves. In addition, even male slaves got the right to vote before women.
Read about your heritage and what it was that these “Founding Mothers” wanted for the women they represented. It has been only recently that political parties have given attention to women, primarily because of their voting power and, like the political machines of the early twentieth century; they are offering women crumbs to get their votes so they can continue the militaristic, fascist government they have been running since 1776. I know I write these words at the risk of being labeled another crazy, like Jane Addams. Ms. Addams was put of the Red List of the 1920’s for her work that resulted with her winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1933. What was her work? She fought to keep us out of war in 1915 and then to feed the starving children of Europe, Germany and the Soviet Union in particular, was a leader in the suffragette movement, supported the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague, the League of Nations, fought to get child labor laws and better working conditions for women in the garment industry and founded what became the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). To learn about the politics that inspired the women’s movement, read Jane Addams “Newer Ideals for Peace” 1907 and “Bread and Peace in Time of War,” 1922.

Keep these things in mind when you go to the polls and find the candidates that best support women’s political heritage from your local council, state representatives, governors, Congressional representatives and senators, and finally, the President. By the way, you know your vote will not count if you live in a state that is decidedly in favor of one of the major candidates. Your vote does not elect the President anyway; that’s up to an organization called the Electoral College.
For further reading in fictional form read “The Peacemaker” available at http://kentuckywoman.net  or visit the video page at http://angelbandproductions.com for selected readings about the women’s movement in the latter part of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Iran, Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Listening to the vice presidential debate last night, I heard Paul Ryan criticizing the present administration about its handling of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. I found Mr. Biden’s rebuttal very interesting. If Mr. Biden’s facts are correct, Iran is not yet at the point of being able to threaten Israel with nuclear weapons and there is still time for negotiations to work. In listening to the discussion, I was reminded of another time when President Bush defied the United Nations and insisted there was proof of stores of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and no more time to wait for negotiations to work. Convincing Congress that his belief was true, he gained the funds to carry out his program of “shock and awe” and send American troops into Iraq. No weapons were found, but the war continued, costing thousands of American lives while maiming others for life and draining not only the morale of American troops but also the federal budget in yet another questionable war.

My desire for peace and opposition to the Iraq War was the reason for returning to vote for the Democratic candidates in 2004 and 2008. Until that time, I had not voted for a major party candidate since 1988. This year I had decided to cast my ballot for Jill Stein after I read the platform of the Green Party. Part of the platform in addition to supporting environmental concerns and peace covers building sustainable communities. These are the issues that are most important to me. I believe unemployment and poverty stem from militarism and corporate control of the economy and politicians. I also don’t believe continuing to expand federal control of every aspect of American life is the best way to address these issues. Action must start in local communities with local citizens taking control of their communities and rebuilding their infrastructures through community organization and support from first the state and then the federal government. I knew I would be “throwing my vote away,” but at least I could vote for the person who best represented my interests. Last night’s debate has changed this.

If I understood Mr. Ryan correctly as well as recent statements made by Mr. Romney himself, America must take a tough, confrontational stance against Iran right now. That scares me. We are still trying to get our troops out of Afghanistan, have an economy that is in critical condition, according to Mr. Romney, and if elected, he would risk the threat of another war? The first question is “where will the money come from?” I think we need someone more responsible and less impulsive who is commander in chief of the American armed forces. In fact, the major duty of the President according to the Constitution is to oversee the nation’s military. In addition, he is in charge of all diplomacy with other nations. In my opinion the diplomacy should be one of patience and compromise. Only when these have actually failed should we send American citizens into “harm’s way” and put the financial burden of yet another war on the backs of the so called middle class. For that reason, I think I will have to once again cast my vote for the person who stands the best chance of winning and puts negotiation and compromise ahead of impulsive military actions.   

Sunday, September 30, 2012

If Women Could Have Voted in 1776

What would have happened in our country if women had been franchised at the very start of this so called republic? Hindsight is always 20/20 and of course, we can’t go back and undo the past, we can only learn the lessons from it. Unfortunately, if we don’t soon learn the lessons from our past in this country, we face a future that will continue with all consuming wars on a global level that not only deplete the resources that sustain our physical life but drain the human spirit of any desire to move forward. This is one of the themes of my book “The Peacemaker” available at http://kentuckywoman.net.

The story of “The Peacemaker” begins with a peaceful and prosperous culture that had been created by an Onondaga Chief – Ayonwentah – who had been approached by a person called only The Peacemaker in the Legends of the Iroquois. During this visit by The Peacemaker when Ayonwentah had lost everything including his wife and children due to the never ending wars fought among the various tribes inhabiting one of the richest lands in North America Ayonwentah learned the Great Law of Peace – what it took to build a culture that would guarantee peace and prosperity. Ayonwentah started visiting the warring tribes and preaching this message and soon, the great Iroquois Confederacy was started sometime in the 11th Century. This Confederacy was the most powerful and prosperous group that existed on the North American Continent when the Europeans arrived in the 15th Century. They had the means to drive the “immigrants” out but true to their culture they welcomed them in peace and taught them the principles of peace and prosperity that lead to a thriving culture of “13 fires” included in the council of tribes of the Confederacy. These principles were:

  • Stewardship of the land – taking from the land the resources needed to live but always giving back so that the land would continue to produce. Property rights came from stewardship and natural resources were shared.
  • Empowerment of women – all property passed through the female line because the women were the “keepers of the hearth and home.”
  • Inclusion of women in the government – klan mothers – the eldest female in the extended family appointed all the members to the representative councils and could remove any of the representatives if they violated any of the laws passed by the council. Women also had absolute veto over any decision to go to war.
  • Government by consensus and conflict mediation.
  • Cooperation instead of competition.
  • Sealing the peace with treaties known as covenant chains.

This culture became rich and powerful using these principles. In fact, the Founding Fathers were so impressed with their “democracy” that elements of their government were used as the model for our first government. Unfortunately, the government that called itself a Republic was actually an oligarchy – giving voting rights only to a small group of white males over the age of twenty-one who owned property and accumulated property and resources to build their wealth and influence in the name of “democracy.” Because of this the new country immediately began to build a national treasury controlled by these bankers and create a national military made up of the men who had no vote over whether we went to war or not. When these men got the right to vote, they continued with the policies of “might makes right.” As the Industrial Revolution reached the United States and fortunes began to be made by these men who controlled the property and government, competition for cheap labor began. At the same time, the soil in the South began to wear out, forcing southern land owners to find newer sources of good soil to grow King Cotton.

During this period women began to question the morality of this thing called slavery and became involved in the Abolition Movement. When Lucretia Mott and others attended the Anti-slavery Conference in London in 1848, they were appalled that they were not seated at the Conference nor could they vote. Thus, the Women’s Rights Movement began with the Seneca Falls Conference in 1848. At this conference a Declaration of Women’s Rights was read that was pattered after the “Declaration of Independence.” One of these rights was the right to own property. This right again from the Declaration was that to “secure these rights” (of property) it was imperative that women have the right to vote.

After the Convention another meeting was held in the home of Lucretia Mott to organize the Underground Railroad. These women seeking political power were the voices against slavery and the treatment of the new breed of laborers in northern factories – the newer immigrants put to work building the transportation systems, settling new lands and making this country powerful while fighting in the wars to expand this aggressive government into new lands west of the Mississippi needed for continued growth as the land wore out. Women’s voices went unheard and we finally ended up in a Civil War that was to cost over 700,000 American lives and totally destroy the southern economy of the United States. The women who had organized against slavery now came together to organize for peace, but in order to achieve peace; they once again knew they needed the right to vote. The origins of the Mother’s Day Celebration began with a call in a poem written by Julia Ward Howe at the end of the Civil War which is read at the link below.


At the end of the Indian Wars near the end of the 19th Century America turned its attention to lands overseas and became embroiled in political matters and wars that threatened world peace. The suffragettes continued with their demands for the right to vote in order to abate the threat of global wars. Their cause was ignored and many of the leaders were imprisoned and beaten. Susan B. Anthony spent time in jail and Jane Addams was labeled a communist after the end of World War I for her efforts to feed the millions of hungry people left in war ravaged Europe. Unfortunately, women did not get the right to vote until 1919 after World War I and all of the ramifications that set the stage for yet another global conflict. So, what would the 20th Century look like if women had the right to vote in 1776? We know what it looks like now because they didn’t. If we, as women, want to honor this legacy of the courageous women who gave “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” for the cause of peace, we need to stand up and say “no” in a loud voice to war or any policies that would deplete the earth’s abilities to sustain life. We, as women, are the “keepers of the hearth” first.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Great Law of Peace

The Great Law of Peace
Xlibris Press Release

The Peacemaker calls upon the nation to make peace with God, the earth and all mankind. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

In this age of technological advancement, do superpower nations really need to enhance their defense systems in preparation of a constantly impending war? Would it not be better to settle all of our differences and make peace with everyone? Author Brenda Duffey explores the concept of peace and the many battles fought over land, pride and religion in a book that serves as a wake-up call for all: The Peacemaker.

A tale spinning centuries with a wealth of historical facts, The Peacemaker takes readers through time through the history of the United States and the events that made it the nation it is today. From the treaties with the Native Americans to the colonization of a new land, from the evolution of a country to the outcome of a myriad of races striving to become one, this book presents a story of love and hope. Delve into this generational saga that spans over 300 years of American history as the nation struggles to return to the principles of peace on which it was founded but lost sight of in the 21st Century. For more information or to order your copy visit http://kentuckywoman.net. The book is available in traditional hard and soft cover as well as in digital form.

About the Author

Brenda Duffey was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky in 1946 – the first of the so-called baby boomers born at the end of World War II. The parents who had witnessed the horrors of a Second World War that introduced the threat of a nuclear holocaust wanted better for their children who would grow up in the 50’s with the constant threat of the evils of communism and nuclear holocaust. This time period had a profound effect on Ms. Duffey as she moved into adolescence with a strong desire to understand politics, freedom and peace and connect it to her own upbringing in a rural Kentucky family.

Ms. Duffey’s family was typically large and poor. She was raised on Kentucky fried chicken on Sundays after church and learned the philosophy of the conservative Bible-Belt region. Ms. Duffey received her BA degree in 1967 from a small Baptist college – Kentucky Southern – that is now part of the University of Louisville. She received her MSW from the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville in 1986. Part of the simple, homespun philosophy espoused by her father was hard work and “pulling oneself up by the boot straps” through education and hard work. This is why she decided to enter the field of public education after receiving her BA with endorsements in history and English.

Ms. Duffey has spent over twenty-five years in the classroom in a variety of educational settings from Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, and New Mexico and in Oregon where she retired in 2003. Her focus was always on helping students from diverse ethnic groups and economic statuses attain competence in English communication – both written and oral- and to understand themselves and their connection to American society by understanding their individual pasts and collective heritage. The idea for The Peacemaker originated in 1997 when she was teaching a course in Native American history at Chemawa Indian School in Salem, Oregon. Ms. Duffey still resides in Oregon in the beautiful town of Florence nestled among the sand dunes of south central Oregon. She has two biological daughters who live in southern California and one adopted daughter who lives in Kentucky with Ms. Duffey’s delightful grandchildren.   

For more information on The Peacemaker or Ms. Duffey’s philosophy visit http://angelbandproductions.com.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homespun Wisdom - Matthew 7:5

Matthew 7:5

“Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye, then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.”

My mother used this “Bible” verse all the time when she wanted to make a point about accountability. The great thing about my mother was that her understanding of the Word, as she called it, came from a very intimate spiritual connection to God. The “Bible,” especially the New Testament was my parents’ self-help book, source of inspiration and enlightenment and primer for child rearing. Neither parent had the Word revealed to them by some school of Theology or even a pastor who interpreted it for them. Their understanding came through constant contact with God in sincere prayer to have the way of life revealed to them so that they could not only enter into Heaven upon death but to make their life’s journey better and overcome issues of poverty, racism, abusive parents and alcohol addiction.

Although we remained poor, my mother never took a victim’s stance nor blamed others for our lot in life. She did what she had to do and always focused on providing a home with all the basic necessities for us children. Her children were her joy and life’s greatest blessing. After making sure we had the basics, extra money went for luxuries like school supplies and Christmas lights and treats. There were times when there was nothing left over, but we were taught to be grateful for what we had.

“Our daily bread” came from what Mom grew in the garden or from the grocery store.
My mother and father were paid weekly, so every Friday she went to the store and bought all the food we would need for our “three squares” each day for the upcoming week. In the summer, when food was more plentiful, we picked wild blackberries and strawberries. We picked the apples and pears from the trees that grew in our yard. Mom made delicious cobblers and fried apple pies and canned jams and jellies. She also bought bushels of peaches and canned those. She canned green beans, pickled beets and made sauerkraut. In the winter when Daddy was unemployed due to seasonal work, we ate well from the well stocked pantry and freezer.

We played hide and seek, tag, swinging statues, lemonade and red rover. We walked to the library and checked out books. We played marbles, jacks and sang and watched television for entertainment. In the winter we weren’t bored; we were too busy doing homework or helping with chores.

We eventually were able to buy the small shotgun house on the lower west side of Louisville, but even when we rented, our home was always clean and neat. My mother and father were always accountable for providing for their six children. This was a source of pride for them. Growing up on this “Bible” verse and seeing it lived helped me to learn to look to myself. Learning accountability and responsibility paved the way for a scholarship to college and a successful academic and teaching career. I have had many challenges along the way that I could have attributed to the work of someone else and become a victim, but my mother’s words of wisdom always surfaced to remind me to look at my part in creating the challenges and focus on fixing that before I tried to fix someone else. This homespun wisdom has served me well.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Buy American Campaign

It is time for me to comment on the state of the American economy. I am not a politician or self-made millionaire or Harvard educated economist so no one will pay any attention to this. I have contacted the news media several times with my idea as well as all the talk show hosts who have all the answers to what’s wrong with the American economy and point the finger of blame at everybody. Frankly, I am quite tired of it and would like to take my own stand, blow off a little steam on my blog and let the chips fall where they may – hopefully on top of my head and the heads of everyone busy pointing the finger of blame at all the leaders in our country.

This started about two years ago when I started to think about what the cause of the lack of American jobs was. First, there was out-sourcing – why? American consumers wanted cheaper products so they could fill their homes with all the newest fancy gimmicks and “stretch” their dollars and American corporations wanted to increase their profits. Therefore, American corporations responded in the same manner as the corporations of the early 20th Century period of imperialism. They went overseas and started exploiting the people of the countries who lived there by paying them the low wages that they could no longer pay to American companies. Small business owners who could not do this were squeezed out of the competition and the “backbone” of the American economy – the small business began to disappear. The ripple effect was the loss of jobs that has destroyed the infrastructure of the country.

Now, American cities are disappearing and there is a cry for creation of jobs. The Republican Party has placed all the blame on the Democrats and the Democrats are placing the blame on the Republicans, each saying they have the answers while our Olympic athletes go to London in uniforms made in China and it is almost impossible to find any clothing made in America in the large department stores such as Wall-Mart and Target. I know; I have looked. I have sent numerous requests to the media to investigate this with no response. They are too busy covering the Olympic Games and the 2012 election which is the same ole same ole and nothing will change no matter who is elected.  Ann Romney shows her support for middle class Americans by boasting about purchasing Mitt’s shirts at Costco. No one bothers to ask her if the shirts were made in America. I doubt they are because I have shopped at all the stores and have had little luck finding Made in America. Americans need to realize that the middle class or even the lower middle class that fills stores like Wall-Mart and Target all the time can start to do something. It isn’t up to Mitt and Ann Romney.

First, start supporting community gardens in your neighborhoods and support urban homesteading. Start eating locally produced food and support the local food coop. Get your health better by eating better. If you can’t afford the gym, buy a used bicycle and ride to work or around town or to school. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Refuse to buy from or support any store in your neighborhood that does not sell locally, state or nationally produced products – in that order. Do not support any stores if you do not see the money you spend there coming back into your community in the form of tax dollars, employment of the local population or general economic health of the community. Start asking all politicians running for political office where they purchase their basic necessities instead of being distracted by wanting to see birth certificates or tax returns. If you cannot purchase an American made product that serves as well as a foreign made product, hybrid car for example, make your voice heard about alternative transportation. Start showing your patriotism by wearing American made clothing and home products. By the way, if you fly the American flag do you know where it was made? I don’t, but it would be interesting to find out.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Homespun Wisdom

Homespun Wisdom

In recent months it has occurred to me the maze of detours I have taken in my life that could have been avoided if I had listened more carefully to the wisdom of my mother expressed in many simple phrases that reflected her philosophy of life. I’m sure these were passed down to her and in her own way she used them to create her reality about life and how to live it in the most graceful, joyful way possible for her. I never really appreciated the lessons my mother taught because I was too busy judging her from society’s standards about what a “successful” life meant.

By those standards my parents were miserable failures. We lived below the poverty line, never had access to health care and lacked health insurance, never had fashionable clothes – always wore hand me downs and went barefoot in the summer, getting a new pair of school shoes at the end of the summer. We wore those as Sunday shoes also and put cardboard in the holes until we got a new pair. We walked to school in the rain without raincoats or umbrellas and I could go on and on. My parents were uneducated; both leaving school at the 6th grade to work either in the garden or in my father’s case to support an invalid father and helpless mother and brother and sister.

Television and education taught me how unsuccessful my parents were and how “deprived” I was. My parents also realized how their lack of education had hindered them so they taught me to get an education and work hard so that I could do better than they did. I listened to that, but after I became “educated” with all the degrees and “success” to prove it, I turned to the “tree of knowledge” offered in all the self-help books, listening to all the fashionable gurus of the time and threw out any of the teachings my parents had offered as being of any value. This included their religion as well as all the “proverbs” my mother liked to quote all the time. I was determined to find the “right” path. I always showed respect for my parents but “tolerated” my mother’s “lectures” when she was trying to offer me a lesson learned from her life experience. How could she know anything?

Now in my golden years having reared two biological daughters and one “adopted” daughter who came to live with me when she was seventeen, I can now see the truth in my mother’s homespun wisdom and am actually seeing that my parents were successful because when I think about my childhood now I realize that all six children were healthy and strong and never had much need for either doctor or dentist. My father took care of most of our illnesses with his own natural remedies. Although we all had measles, mumps, whooping cough and chicken pox, we came through the illness and I can’t really remember anything but the chicken pox. I think back on the times when I walked to school in rain, cold or sunshine with a smile on my face and think about the laughter and joy in our home with parents who were always there for us providing a warm, comfortable home where they were always present in our lives, telling us how much God loved us and how much they loved us and were proud of all of us. Although I disregarded much of the homespun wisdom in searching for my own answers, it has been that love and support that has carried me through the many detours I have made by “throwing out the baby with the bath.” That was one of my mother’s favorite expressions.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The First Effort to Occupy Washington, D.C.

The following is a chapter from my book "The Peacemaker" available at http://kentuckywoman.net. Peter Clark a World War I veteran takes part in the Bonus March on Washington, D.C. with his son Irving to demand payment of the bonus money allotted to World War I veterans by Congress in 1932.

“Why do you smoke those things?
You know they only make things worse!” Peter Clark looked at his son and threw his cigarette from the window of his 1927 Model A Ford as he drove along the eastern seaboard of the United States toward Washington, D.C.  The engine of the bright red two door coupe purred quietly. Peter’s raspy, irritated voice wasn’t so calm.
“I brought you on this trip to be company for me, not nag like your mother,” he said. “Everybody seems to know what I should do, but nobody offers any help. This damn depression.
 Can’t find work even if I was able, so why shouldn’t I have some enjoyment, huh?”
“Sorry, Pop, but I just hate to see you sick all the time,” said Irving. Peter started to cough uncontrollably and pulled the car over to the side of the road. Irving slid over into the driver’s seat as his father wiped the excess brown spittle from his mouth and reached for the flask that he kept strapped to his leg. He offered a swig to his son. Irving took a long drink. It wasn’t quite as tasty as he expected, but he smiled in his best grown up way and said, “Thanks.” Irving handed his father the flask as Peter got in on the passenger side of the car. Irving pulled the car onto the road and drove with the confidence of someone who had been driving much longer.
“That stuff burns too, but not for long,” said Peter. “Pretty soon that damn Prohibition will be repealed. That’s about the only good thing happened in this country since ’29.” Peter looked at his fifteen year-old son. Irving still looked much the same as he had in ’29. That thick, red hair that had distinguished the Clark men for as long as he could remember – all the way back to his son’s namesake, Peter’s great-great grandfather who had been taken prisoner of war during the War of 1812. Irving still had that boyish face full of freckles and the long, skinny body of someone a little younger. The only sign of a budding man was the slight growth of hair above his mouth, hardly noticeable because of its light color. Irving had stifled a slight grimace when he swallowed the whiskey, anxious to prove his manhood to his father. Peter was actually more of an older, rebellious brother than a father.
After Peter returned from the Great War, he moved his wife and two young sons back to New York where they lived with Abraham and Claire. Peter’s chronic lung condition prevented him from hard labor, but Abraham employed him as a salesman in his Ford Dealership. The twenties were roaring; there was a “chicken in every pot” as well as a Ford Model A. Peter was an apt salesman who liked the high class, easy living of the Jazz Age. Much to the family’s dismay, Peter spent a great deal of time at the local speakeasies. Mary complained all the time about his drinking and carousing, but that only made him want to be away from home more. His heavy drinking also exacerbated the deterioration in his lungs.
 Abraham became surrogate father to Irving and young Abraham as well as daughter Faye, born in 1921. Irving learned to adhere to the simple abundance lifestyle of Abraham and Claire, but he had a great curiosity about the world he began to learn about through the radio and the movies. That must be what his father’s world was like, he thought. Irving was happy that his father had invited him on this trip. This was his chance to explore that world he had only dreamed of before.
Irving loved to tinker with machines, taking them apart and putting them back together, just to see how they worked. When he was just eight years old, his mother found him in the parlor with the family radio taken apart. Abraham had sat with him until they reassembled the entire radio. Abraham was amazed at young Irving’s ability to understand how things worked, and he encouraged that in the youngster. By the time of the stock market crash, Irving knew enough about car engines to begin helping Abraham in the repair shop opened in the space that used to house the new cars. In addition to helping with the cars, Irving started his own little radio repair business on the side. 
The Schmidt/Clark household had fared better than most as the country slid into the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The repair business brought in a moderate income. In addition, Abraham, with help from the rest of the Schmidt family, had built his own home, so there was no mortgage to pay when their business failed.  Claire and Mary also kept a garden that provided plenty of food. Irving knew there were others not so fortunate, but his knowledge was limited to the men who often appeared at their back door asking for food. They were never refused. Many times they not only ate a hearty meal with the family, they also left with a bag of whatever had been picked that morning. 
Irving knew the trip he was taking with his father had something to do with getting some kind of money from the government, but he really didn’t understand it. He thought taking a trip with his father would be fun. Irving was entering puberty and curious about the world his father knew that was so different from the simple Quaker family life of Abraham Schmidt. After the initial burn of the alcohol turned to a soothing, warm tingle in his body, Irving began to understand why his father was happy Prohibition was over. “Can I have another drink?” he asked.
“Not while you’re driving, Son. Too dangerous.”  Peter actually just wanted to save the rest of the flask for himself. They still had quite a way to go to get to Washington and Peter knew it would take a little time to find the money and the means to get a refill. Peter had come to rely on the drink that was a two edged sword, both comforting and deadly at the same time. Peter had stopped caring, however. He had been dealt an early death sentence when he was gassed in 1918. He thought he might as well go out in style. That’s why he was making this trip to Washington. It was time the government paid him what he was due so that he could spend the money before he died.
Peter and Irving were on their way to Washington, D.C. to join thousands of other World War I veterans in the Bonus Expeditionary March to persuade Congress to pass the Patman Bonus Bill that would release money for early payment on the certificates that had been given to war veterans in 1918 in appreciation for their service in the Great War. The certificates were not supposed to mature until 1945, but thousands of veterans were homeless and suffering and needed payment now.
  “Think this trip will do any good, Pop?”
  “No harm in tryin’, Son. Lots of good men out there who suffered for this country. Now they need some help. Carrying around a promise of money in 1945 ain’t gonna help them pay their mortgages now. You know this march started in Portland, Oregon on the other side of the country. Group of veterans started out walkin’ over two months ago to git to Washington in time for the vote on this bill. Them guys are already homeless. I read one of ‘em told a reporter, ‘We were heroes in 1917, but we’re bums now. Can’t even feed our families.’ Good men living in cardboard houses they call Hooverville after the President. We paid our dues. Time for the government to pay us.”
“I s’pect so, Pop. Where you think we all will stay once we get there. We gonna sleep in the car?”
“Well, Son, we’ll see when we get there. Maybe we’ll build us a cardboard house,” he laughed. The alcohol soon began to take effect and Peter fell sound asleep. Around midnight as Irving approached the border of Maryland, he decided he needed to find a place to stop for the night. He saw some lights in the distance and turned off the main road in the direction of the lights. At the end of the road, there was a gasoline station with a small diner next to it. Both were closed. Irving pulled into the parking lot, stopped the car and got two thin blankets from the car’s trunk.  He covered his father with one and then fell asleep in the back seat. Before he knew it, he felt his father’s hand on his shoulder. “Wake up, Son. Let’s go git somethin’ to eat.”
   Irving sat up and looked around. The parking lot that had been empty the night before was now full. There were several delivery trucks and a couple of cars that looked as though they belonged to traveling salesmen. The two found two empty seats at the counter. A waitress appeared from the area in the back that was obviously the kitchen. Irving could smell bacon and eggs and coffee cooking. It reminded him of home. He was suddenly homesick as well as stiff from the long time in the car. “You sure are lucky you’re wearin’ that uniform,” said the waitress as she looked at Peter. Irving figured she was about the same age as Claire. She had her graying hair pulled up in a hair net. Her features were hard, not soft like Claire’s or his mother’s. Her eyes were dark and uninviting and her upper teeth protruded slightly over the lower ones. Irving decided that’s why she didn’t smile.
“What do you mean?” asked Peter.
“My husband saw the uniform and figured you was one of them vet’rans goin’ into Washington. That’s why he left you alone when he discovered you in the lot this morning. Lots of men been passin’ through the last few days. Most of them beggin’ food. We already gave all we can give. Fraid we can’t help you if you don’t have any money.”
Peter looked at Irving. He knew his son had some money. Irving always managed to scare up some money. The two still had some sandwiches and fruit they had brought with them stored under the spare tire in the trunk, but Peter’s mouth watered as he smelled the fresh coffee and bacon. “We got enough for some coffee and eggs,” said Irving.
“How you want those eggs?”
“Over medium for both and make sure the coffee’s nice and hot,” said Peter.
It was early May in 1932 and the country was mired in the worst economic depression anyone could remember. In fact, the entire world was suffering. Bread lines were long and homeless men wandered around the country riding the rails and living in hobo camps while looking for work. Men appeared daily at the Schmidt/Clark household looking for work or food. No one was ever denied a meal, but more and more people were facing starvation, especially those who lived in the big urban centers. Therefore, as Peter and Irving were ordering breakfast a few miles outside Washington, some 43,000 people – 17,000 World War I veterans and their families and friends - were descending on the city at the same time. Some rode in cars or filled trucks. Some rode the rails or buses. A large number walked for days without food or rest. The starving, dirty and disheveled crowd had set up camp at various places around the city.
The waitress brought two plates of eggs with buttered toast and jam. She poured two steaming hot cups of coffee. Once again, Irving felt a wave of homesickness as he put the cup to his lips. The waitress noticed their surprise at the toast. “Don’t worry. The toast and jam’s on the house. Our way of sayin’ thanks even if the government don’t.” Peter nodded in appreciation. When the two finished their meal, Peter went to the washroom in the back and cleaned up a bit while Irving paid the bill and filled the car with gasoline. Peter came out with a fresh pack of cigarettes. Irving scowled.
“Woman’s husband gave me these,” he said. “Didn’t pay for ‘em. You have all the dough anyway.” Irving shook his head and went to the washroom and cleaned up a bit. Soon, the two were back on the road to D.C. As they approached the city, Irving began to notice a great deal more traffic on the road. He saw cars as well as trucks. Many of the cars were painted with signs
that said Bonus Expeditionary Force. There were trucks with the back panel pulled down full of men some sitting with their legs dangling over the back. Some of the men had on old army boots, but many of them were barefooted. Irving heard the strains of Over There as one truck passed and the men waved and cheered. There were groups of men and women and small children walking on the side of the road. When one young girl stumbled, Peter pulled over and offered the grateful family a ride. When they got in the car, the small girl said, “Have you got anything to eat? I ain’t eat today.”
            Irving thought about the food hidden in the trunk. He looked at the hungry family. It was obvious none of them had eaten. In fact, most of the people on the road were probably hungry. What good would it do to get those sandwiches out, he thought. Probably just start more trouble, so he said, “Sorry. We ate the last of our food this morning.’” The little girl sat back and stuck her thumb in her mouth as her mother rocked her, grateful to at least have a ride. The car moved through the throng of people like a hearse in a funeral procession. The walkers were much more somber than those riding. The silence hung in the air like the quiet before a storm. Soon, Irving noticed a strange collection of huts and shacks near the mud flats across from the Anacostia River. He knew they must be approaching Hooverville. Peter found a fairly open area where he could park the car. He wanted to keep it in sight and not get too far from it. He was afraid of what could happen. Once the group reached Hooverville, the silence was broken.
            People seemed to be rushing in the direction of a truck that was meandering slowly through the spaces between cardboard houses with tin roofs or old army blankets strung over junk wire to make a tent. When the truck paused, Irving could make out what the fuss was all about. Someone inside the truck was passing out sandwiches to the crowd! “Hey, Pop. Wait here. I’m going to get us a sandwich,” said Irving. Irving pushed and shoved his way through the crowd that was surprisingly orderly considering the fact that most of them had not eaten at all that day or maybe even longer.
 When Irving got to the front of the line, he heard someone say, “Be patient. We have enough for all of you.” He stood and waited while one of those serving went behind the tent to get more sandwiches.
That’s when he heard a whispered voice saying, “Did you smell that nasty odor? What do people expect if they can’t keep themselves clean?” Despite the polite smile on the face of the man who handed Irving the sandwiches, Irving felt a little degraded by the whole event. He wondered if he and his father had the same odor. If he hadn’t been so hungry, he would have refused the sandwiches and hot coffee. He took the food back to the car and he and his father sat and ate and discussed what they would do for sleeping arrangements. “I saw a junk pile a few yards back. That’s probably where the others got the stuff to make these houses. I’ll go see what I can scare up,” said Irving. When he came back with some heavy cardboard boxes and tin, he saw that his father was talking to another man and motioning to a bottle the man held. Peter handed the man two sandwiches and then the man poured something from the bottle into Peter’s flask. When Peter returned, Irving said, “Pop, those sandwiches were goin’ to be our dinner. What we goin’ to do now?”
“I kept the fruit. Besides, I found out about a poker game this evening.’ I think I can finagle a couple of sandwiches from these guys. Don’t worry. Let’s get this shack up.” Peter started to cough uncontrollably. By the time he finished coughing, Irving had assembled a shanty with a door and window cut out and attached a tin roof to it. Irving went to the trunk of the car and pulled out a small mattress and the two thin blankets. He took a couple of apples from the bag and handed one to his father. Unless his father was lucky tonight, the apple would be their dinner. Irving watched as his father drank from the silver flask. Somehow, he didn’t think his father would notice.  Peter soon fell asleep. Irving took a walk through the mass of cardboard and old lumber buildings.
 Despite the obvious poverty and lack of sanitary facilities, Irving noticed an attempt had been made to keep the grounds free of garbage and debris. There was, however, a strong odor of urine that filled the hot, sticky June air. Irving saw children playing in the dirt. Little girls were sitting making mud pies, while the boys kicked old cans and played marbles. The odor of unwashed clothes and bodies mixed with that of the urine. Somehow, Irving felt that every day he spent here would be one more day in which he would lose his own sense of dignity and self-esteem. The smells were beginning to box him in and he had trouble breathing.
 At one of the huts, there was a donation jar between two small children. On top of the jar was a sign that said, Hard Times are Hoovering over us. There were people and children standing in the openings used for doors. How tired and hopeless they looked!  As Irving passed by the two outhouses, he heard someone announce that it was time for a drill. Bedraggled veterans in threadbare uniforms, some with medals, marched out and “fell in.” They stood quietly in the hot sun as their leader Walter Waters announced the results of the Senate vote on Capitol Hill that day. Unfortunately, the bill that would have helped relieve their suffering had been defeated in the Senate. As a mild roar began, the crowd was hushed when Waters said, “We will remain orderly. We will stay and continue our protest. Tomorrow we will assemble for a silent Death March down Pennsylvania Avenue. We will continue each day until the President responds.” Discipline and order seemed to be the only thing being offered to help these men retain their dignity and self worth.
That night Peter got into a poker game. He came back to the hut with two ham sandwiches that he had scored for him and Irving. Although Irving ate the sandwich, he couldn’t help but think of the blank stares and plain evidence of hunger that he had seen in the faces of the children that day. He promised himself that he would not accept another meal that was provided by his father. Somehow, he would find a way to feed them without resorting to taking what belonged to others. The next day, as the first of the silent marches began down Pennsylvania Avenue, Irving left the mud flats and went into the city. Lines of men marched silently; most of them had the pockets of their pants pulled inside out. This was representative of a Hoover flag, an impoverished salute to the President. Just past the White House, Irving found a bread line and a soup kitchen. He stood in line for three hours in order to get a half a loaf of bread and some potted meat. As he stood in line, that same odor seemed to permeate the air around him. Once again, when he had reached the front of the line, he noticed that same look – whether it was pity or disdain, he abhorred the look, but he was hungry. He pulled two slices of bread from the half of the loaf. He made one sandwich and cut it in half. He then put the bread and rest of the potted meat with the remainder of the fruit. Irving checked the bag. Only four apples left.
Irving returned to the bread line the next day and the next until he had enough bread and meat for the rest of the week. For the first time in his life, Irving knew the true feeling of hunger and hopelessness. Each time he begged for food or watched his father trade food for booze or cigarettes, he felt an ever increasing loss of dignity and self respect. Why were these men and their families being treated this way? If, indeed, they were the heroes who fought to retain honor and freedom, shouldn’t they be given something in return from a grateful people instead of a few crumbs of bread and pitiful looks? How he wanted to leave!
 “Can’t we go home?” he asked. “I don’t see that this is doin’ any good. Most of these people who are stayin’ don’t have anywheres to go. We have a place to go to, and I’m gettin’ awful hungry and tired.”
  “We got that way in 1918, Son, but we stayed through to the end for our country. Now we need our country and we’re goin’ to stay until the President takes some notice.” The next day, Irving took the car and drove away from the city into the countryside. He knew what he was looking for. It was July, now, and he knew the corn and tomatoes as well as other summer squashes would be ripe. He had also seen several peach trees along the roadside as he and his father were driving into the city. He stopped and filled the fruit bag with some peaches that had fallen on the ground. He didn’t feel right about taking them from the trees without permission. In the distance he saw a farmhouse.
Peter stored the peaches in the trunk of the car and walked down the long, gravel driveway toward the white frame house. He saw a young girl about his age hanging clothes on a clothes line at the side of the house. Irving knew she must be used to beggars appearing at her door because of the beggars who regularly came to his home in New York. Not many beggars drove a nice car, however. Irving couldn’t help but notice how pretty the girl was. She was probably about the same age as he was. The blossoming curves of a young woman were apparent underneath the loose fitting house dress that she was wearing. She must have heard him because she looked up and covered her eyes to keep down the glare of the sun. As he walked nearer, she smiled timidly. She was even prettier close up.
“Hello, Miss. My name’s Irving Clark. My pop is a war veteran here to try to get the government to help us. We thought Congress was gonna pass a bill that would help us, but it seems not. We’re tryin’ to get the President to take notice now, so we’re stayin’ a little longer than expected. Reckon you might have some extra food to share so’s we can stay a little longer?”
An older lady came outside with another basket of clothes. Irving guessed she was the young girl’s mother. She had the same dark, wavy hair and dark eyes and slim figure. “What can we do for you, Son?” she said.
“Him and his pa are here for the march, Ma,” said the young girl.
“That so? Would you like some lemonade?” Before Irving could say anything, she said, “Go get the boy a cool drink, Lizzie.” The girl went into the house and Irving explained once again why he was there. Lizzie came back out carrying a glass of lemonade and handed it to Irving. “Lizzie, take the lad down to the garden and help him get a few beans and some corn.”
“All right, Ma,” she said. “Follow me.” Irving put his glass down and followed the girl through the backyard to the garden. On the way, she picked up a burlap bag and handed it to him. “Put the corn in this,” she said. Irving picked a dozen ears of corn and a mess of green beans. He worked slowly. It was very pleasant being with this girl and her mother picking vegetables from their garden just like it was part his. It reminded him of the way it was back home.
“So, your name’s Lizzie?”  he said.
“You still in school?”
“Yeah. I’ll be finished next year. What about you?”
“I got a couple more years.”
“What you gonna do after that?” asked Lizzie.
“I got me a little radio repair business back home. I also work with my grandfather repairing cars. S’pect I’ll do that. What about you?”
“Don’t know. Not many jobs available for anybody. Maybe I’ll just learn some bookkeeping or something like that and try to find work unless I get married.”
“Got any boyfriends?”
“Not really. Ma and Pa are pretty strict. Most of the boys around here are too slick for Pa’s likin.’”
“Lizzie! You finished with that boy?”
“Guess we better head back,” said Lizzie. “You got enough to make do for a while? Pa says we got to help one another out these days. Times awful hard on most people, but we get by all right.”
“Yeah. I think this’ll do. Thanks, Lizzie.” The two walked back to the side of the house. Irving thanked Lizzie and her mother again and walked back down the driveway. He could still see Lizzie’s beautiful smile and a warm, tingling feeling stirred in his groins. He had felt this urge before. Irving thought about Lizzie’s breasts. He had seen the tip of her nipples through her dress in the shade as they walked from the garden. He wondered if she had the same warm feeling, and if she did, he wondered if she had learned to satisfy the urge the way he had.
 Irving thought he was ready to have a real girlfriend. He thought about Lizzie all the way back to the mud flats. Irving took two ears of corn and some green beans from the bag, along with a couple of peaches. He cooked the corn and beans over a fire outside the cardboard shack. A group of children came running toward the smell. Peter sat and ate his corn without even acknowledging the children. Irving gave up his corn and beans and told the children to leave.
“Can’t we go back, Pop? I’m tired and hungry and don’t see that we’re doing any good here.”
“There’s gonna be a marine general speaking tomorrow. Let’s stay for that and then we’ll go. Things are getting’ pretty tense here anyway. People getting’ more agitated with the government. Don’t think Waters can restrain them much longer.” Irving was happy to hear they would soon be leaving. He ate the peach he had kept for himself and decided he would not cook anymore food until they were away from the hungry crowds. He fell asleep wondering how far he would have to drive before he got away from those who were hungry. Irving sat straight up! The sound of a muffled voice had awakened him. He caught sight of a figure in the opening in the shanty. It looked like the figure of a woman! Still half asleep all Irving could think of was that it was Lizzie. Had she followed him here? He started to get up. His father’s voice stopped him.
“Leave her be, Son. She’s leaving.” Irving could see she was carrying a sack that looked very much like the one that had the corn and beans in it. “Her children were hungry and we made a deal,” he said.
“Oh, Pop! Why?”
“You started it! You had to give those kids food! She came lookin’ for food. I had to git somethin’ for it, didn’t I? We’ll be able to git more food when we leave and we won’t be bothered with all these hungry, dirty brats!” Peter started to cough uncontrollably again. Irving threw his hands up in the darkness and swore. He didn’t like what he was thinking.
Peter got up early the next morning and walked back into the city to stand in the bread line. He still had the bag of peaches and he wanted to get some more bread and potted meat. He was not going to let this food out of his sight until it was eaten. He was so homesick! He didn’t care anymore what happened to his father; he just wanted to get home. As Peter walked toward Pennsylvania Avenue, he heard someone speaking. That must be the marine general, he thought. The crowd appeared to be getting angry. Irving stopped and listened.
“War is just a racket; a racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small group inside knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses. . . I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.”
Could this possibly be the general? Thought Irving. Why would a general be speaking against war? Who was responsible for this speaker? This was certainly a dangerous speech right in front of the White House. The crowd that had been so silent now began to get louder and louder. Their cheers turned to a roar. There was shouting and waving and jostling about. Irving caught sight of the riot police and tried to get through the crowd, but he kept getting knocked down. Suddenly, he heard a shot, then another! There was panic and people were running in every direction!
 Peter put his head down and held his bag of food like a football. He punched and kicked his way through the crowd. He kept thinking about his father. He repented over and over for all the bad thoughts he had had and begged God to let his father be safe! When he finally broke free of the crowd, he stumbled back to the shanty on the mud flats. His father was inside the shanty, obviously passed out. Irving heard Mr. Waters’ voice. “The police have killed two marchers. The President has ordered General MacArthur to clear Pennsylvania Ave. Stay in your houses until the troops leave!”
Irving could hear the sound of horses and marching troops. He climbed on top of the car. In the distance, he could see troops with gas masks, fixed bayonets, men on horses with sabers drawn followed by several light tanks. Rising from the sea of humanity was a gray cloud of smoke that appeared to be dust at first. Peter then realized what it was. It was tear gas! He could see large crowds running away from the circle and hear people coughing and gasping for air! It appeared that the troops were turning around and heading for the shanties on the flats! That couldn’t be, thought Irving. The people that remained in Hooverville, some ten thousand, had not been responsible for the rioting. Nevertheless, he ran toward the cardboard house he had shared with his father for three weeks and yelled.
“Pop! Wake up! We have to leave! There’s troops with tear gas and guns and tanks headed here!” He started grabbing at the mattress rolling his father onto the floor.
“Wha? Wha? What’s goin’ on?”
“We need to leave – Now!” Peter stumbled to his knees. Once again, he started coughing violently. “Pop! There’s troops with tear gas! We got to leave!” When Peter heard the words “tear gas,” he grabbed his blanket and thin jacket and hat and ran to the car. Irving was right behind him. Residents fortunate enough to have transportation were doing exactly what Peter and Irving were doing. By the time Irving got the car to the road leading to the bridge, troops had moved in and blocked the exit. There was massive confusion. Peter turned the car around and headed back to Hooverville. In the rear view mirror, he could see soldiers in gas masks, rifles drawn with bayonets, marching in front of a line of cavalry. The cavalry was being led by Major George Patton.
Irving parked the car some distance away from Hooverville. There, he and his father watched as troops tossed canisters of tear gas into the shanties and wives and children came running out coughing and tearing and wildly looking for husband and father. By morning, the shanties had been deserted and the troops set the camp ablaze. Smoke, dust and the remnants of tear gas filled the air as Irving once again headed for the bridge across the Anacostia River. Irving’s lungs burned from the smoke, but Peter’s coughing was almost non stop as he tried to expel the deadly pollutants from his compromised lungs. Irving managed to follow a group to a nearby hospital that was overwhelmed with casualties. Overworked doctors handed Peter a mask to wear and gave him some water to drink until they could find a space to put up an oxygen tent. By late afternoon, Peter’s lungs had recovered enough that the doctors told Irving he could take his father home. “I’m afraid he’s not going to last much longer,” said the doctor. “His lungs are too weak and he has pneumonia.  He needs to get back to a hospital as soon as possible.”
Peter wore the mask the doctors gave him all the way home. He was too weak to argue with his son over cigarettes or alcohol. After two days of almost non-stop driving, the two returned to New York to a very worried family. They had been reading the reports of the evacuation in the paper. Claire and Mary washed Peter and put on clean pajamas. Molly Blake was called and she came and helped set up an oxygen tent in Peter’s bedroom. Irving bathed and put on pajamas and ate a hearty meal. He then went to bed and slept for almost two days. When he finally got up, he discovered his father was in a coma. Peter died two weeks after returning home. He was buried in the family cemetery along with all the other generations of Clark’s who had given service to their country.
Irving learned later that two babies had died of asphyxiation and one woman had miscarried during the evacuation. Major Dwight Eisenhower, army liaison to the Washington police wrote: “the whole scene was pitiful. The veterans were ragged, ill-fed, and felt themselves badly abused. To suddenly see the whole encampment going up in flames just added to the pity.”
That fall, there was a presidential election. Irving couldn’t vote, but he was happy that Hoover was defeated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In March, 1933, Irving returned to Washington with Abraham, Claire, Mary and his younger brother Abe for the inauguration. Molly Blake went with them, also. The family stood outside in the dreary March wind as Roosevelt was sworn into office. Roosevelt stood on heavy metal braces and dragged himself to the podium with the support of his eldest son, James, to deliver his Inaugural Address.
As Molly listened to the words of hope and the plans for a New Deal, she couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps this was the dawning of a new day of peace and prosperity like the times of the Bear Clan and the Great Peace. Surely, everyone was ready for healing. Jane Addams, so hated for her opposition to World War I and accused of being a Communist during the Red Scare of the 20’s had recently been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, the country had a president with a wife who supported the ideals of the International League for Peace and Freedom. Molly remembered Roosevelt’s promise during the 1920 election when he was running for Vice-President. Molly had voted for the Democrats because of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Franklin had promised war weary veterans and their families at the time that “it (war) shall not occur again. Americans demand: The crime of war shall cease.”
 Molly was hopeful as she heard, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” The nation, as well as the rest of the world, was ready to move forward to a new dawning of peace and prosperity. As Molly listened to the words of Franklin Roosevelt and dreamed of a New Deal for the world, across the Atlantic the people of Germany had just elected a new leader to restore the broken German economy and bring order out of chaos.
 By March of 1933, Adolph Hitler had seized control of the German parliament. As Roosevelt was beginning the first Hundred Days of his four year term to restore peace and stability in America, Hitler was setting plans in motion for the establishment of a Gleichschaltung that would lead to totalitarian control of all aspects of German society and commerce by 1937.  It wouldn’t be long before the strains of Deutschland Uber Alles would strike like lightening all over Europe and create a roar of thunder that would be heard all over the world.